Zax in the House.

The man


Was born on 6th of April.
Legally 21 years old.
Currently serving for the nation.

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Date : Monday, June 15, 2009
Time : 7:29 AM
Title : Power Monday

Oops.. I did not update yesterday's blog. Reason is simple. I had got like nothing yesterday.Did nothing. Nothing to update.

This morning did not go back to camp. Instead went to hospital to see the doc. After that went AMK brought surprise breakfast for my baby. Who knows it turns out her whole family at home. Lucky i ask before buying the breakfast. Everyone eat the same though. Roti Prata.

Not long after i had to turn back to TPY to go HDB hub to ask about some housing stuff. What a waste of time. Guess who ask me to run the errands. Who but Mum.=.=

Afternoon dear family, my bro and i went to SAKURA in YCK for lunch buffet. Nice. Eat lots.
Oh My God... Tomorrow have night class. Dammit. Gotten sleep now. Take care. Its Father's Day This week.Holy.

Zax Signing Off....

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